Well, other than work on some graphics and one of the websites today, I didn't get much done. Nothing to take a picture of anyway! Time just got away from me.
BUT, I did get my new fabric washed, and the templates for my new quilt printed. The blocks are based on a 9 inch nine patch, and I'll be paper piecing 4 segments of each block, strip piecing 4 segments, and one will be just a plain square.
I was going to go on and start cutting some strips tonight, but when I looked for the background fabric (the only fabric that wasn't a ¼ yard or ½ yard) ... I realized that of course, it was the only fabric that I hadn't washed yet. It's in the washer now, and I'll start this thing tomorrow. It sure seems like my quilts go through more slow stages than some of the people whose blogs I read! They must be more organized.
Hi Jane, hurray for new fabrics washed and ready to process. I wanted to tell you, I don't think you are slow. Maybe more than some but less than others. Probably the key word is "process". I think we each have a process we go through. ANd that's not a bad thing. I try to derive enjoyment from whatever stage I'm in..to slow down and enjoy the process of getting from here to there...*VBS*