Monday, May 01, 2006

Strip sets and Orange peels

Here's what I've been working on this weekend. No, I haven't finished my ribbon star blocks, but this one was just calling me... :) It's from Bonnie's site, Quiltville, and it's called Strip Twist.

In my sample block, on the left, you'll see why Bonnie suggests making all your block quarters before sewing a block together - in this layout, with 4 quarters made from the same strips, your eye is drawn away from the 'diamond inside a square' optical effect and toward the matching fabrics in each quarter, especially the lopsided look in the center.

All the strip sets are on the left, waiting to be ironed, and just for Tonya... I've decorated them with my version of cat repellant, strips of dried orange peel.

This block is going to be our guild's BOM for the month of May. I'm being lazy and picking one from her site instead of making my own page with instructions. :D Quiltville's already got a link from my guild's site, and I'll just point them there for the BOM.


  1. But I LIKE the lopsided look in the center! lol..... I really like the one on Bonnie's site, too, though. Do the orange peels really work? And do they make your quilt smell good?

  2. does the dried orange peel really work? (not that I'd bother.) My stash is either in baggies or rubber maid totes right now, so not cat available...

  3. I am so liking the Strip Twist. I am really loving string quilts right now myself.

  4. Morning Jane, *VBS* did a lot of sewing over the weekend to have that size pile of strip blocks!!
    I too, think that twisted strip is a neat scrap quilt, and like you, I found out you shouldn't start making the blocks until you have MORE to choose from...LOL...but I can NEVER wait that long.
    I think it will be a great project for your BOM.

  5. Great fabrics. Love the block.

    I tried dried orange peel once. It made Tigger sneeze and then he fell over and rubbed his back on them. He sneezed every time he bathed for the rest of the day. LOL.

    He hates tape. If he even smells tape he stars shaking his paws. Isn't it funny how all the furry ones are different?


  6. I like this block a lot. I can't imagine a lot of them together in one quilt - that is going to be one eye-popping creation!!

    And that is a lot of sewing you did!

  7. The dried peels are certainly a much more attractive solution than my soda cans. You've certainly been sewing away - wheeeee.
