I'd bought her a bottle of lotion and some perfume, and also gave her a pillow made of this 18 inch kaleidoscope block:
It matches this king size quilt they got for Christmas last year. I put a border around the edges, (some of the same royal blue ferny fabric from the quilt border) then a zipper down the middle of the backing so it could be used for a storage pillow... now it's stuffed with winter knit caps, but in the winter, it could be stuffed with t-shirts or beach towels.
And here's the status of my tomatoes... one of the medium size Goliath tomatoes was red enough to pick, and 14 of the cherry tomatoes. There's one very green cherry tomato that fell off the vine when I tried to pick the red one next to it, I've put it in the same bowl to see if it ripens enough to eat. I'm going to choose the five reddest little ones for supper tonight. :-P