Saturday, June 05, 2010

Tomato crop in early June

My tomato crop as of today. The bigger ones are all early girl, then there's five round cherry tomatoes, and the oblong ones are grape tomatoes. I've had more cherry tomatoes than this, but I had a salad last night, and 4 of them plus 2 grape tomatoes went down the hatch. That really ripe early girl on the bottom right is destined for my lunch sandwich tomorrow.

I've been picking them when orange instead of red so the birds don't get any ideas, but they ripen up quickly in the bowl here if I don't refrigerate them.


  1. You are doing great with your veggies. We just put our plants in.

  2. One word.........YUUUUUUMMMMMMMM

  3. Oh I want those! There is nothing like garden tomatoes. We don't even have plants in yet! Guess I better pick some up in the morning!

  4. Your veggies are far ahead of mine here in WNY but so I am not sure where you live... Did you plant radishes and how did they do? Mine are already going to seed but the radish is barely bigger than a pencil eraser and they taste awful. Not sure if it's last year's seeds or the wet weather...
