Friday, July 02, 2010

July Garden Sow and Tell

Been picking a lot, but not posting much! Here's the state of the stuff on my kitchen counter a couple of days ago. I took about 6 of the bigger ones to Mom because they really enjoyed the ones I took over on Father's Day.

I have banana peppers and MORE banana peppers.

I guess two pepper plants are too much for me! I've bought some vinegar, kosher salt, and a little jar of something called 'Pickle Crisp' and I plan to pick some of these on July 4th and attempt a refrigerator pickle, with banana pepper rings plus some rings of the Vidalia onions I bought. I plan on making one jar with some red onion rings or wedges, just to see what happens. Think the red onions will turn the yellow pepper rings orange?


  1. Oh man - I want those tomatoes!

  2. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I think its flavor is not very hot, and as is the case with most peppers, its hotness depends on the maturity of the pepper, with the most ripe being sweeter than younger ones. custom writing papers
