Ann's a quilter too, and she suggested alternating the dark and light blocks.
Whichever design I end up using, I'd always been planning on adding a couple of borders to take the quilt out to twin sized, I have some deep green and blue calico that should be enough for borders - so I went on and put blocks in that outer border of the two below, then added two more solid borders on. Now which of the three do you like better?
Yes! Yes! YES!!! Third times the charm! and this is it!!! I love Ann's suggestion of alternating the dark/light blocks!!! and your border selections really tie it all together!
Can't wait to see you get started on this one :) Love from Texas! ~bonnie
I like the extra borders but I am leaning towards the dark outer below.
Flash 55 - Home of Our Own
I like this layout the best but maybe it's just because I like it so much better with the borders on.
The borders make a great difference, Jane.
#3 is my choice.
I love this third setting by Ann. Or maybe it's just the borders. Borders do make all the difference, THEY say. Chose the one you like best. You know your heart!
All are nice.
OOOOooo, I like it so much! The light and dark alternating was a great idea!
Beautiful quilts, my Mom used to use fabrics from dresses I had outgrown so I had a History of Dresses in a quilt form. Keep quilting.
I like #3 if you haven't made your final choice.
Can't wait to see it in real life.
I don't recall if you mentioned the name of it before - but what's the block called??????
thanks. ~bonnie
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