I'd chatted via e-mail to a couple of you about a slightly different versions of the heartstrings heart design - this time with the diagonal blue lines rotated so they'd radiate out from the red heart. Don't know if I like this one better than the other one or not. :)
The single heart, with pastel strings, that I used in this month's header would make a cute quilt too, if you have a lot of pastel strings.
As always, if you want to copy either of these designs for a heartstrings quilt, feel free.
5 years ago
I don't know if it's better, but it's just as nice. I do like that. Actually. I'd love to have blocks with gold going away in rays like those blue ones. =) Not in the rules, I know. But it would be gorgeous!
I like your banner, too. You have hearts on the brain! =)
I think I prefer the original heartstring design with the blue strings echoing the heart :)
They're all lovely but I do love the pastel design - maybe that's just because it's such a change from all the brights that have been pictured round the blogs lately
Wow, another beauty, Jane! Love it.
Jane! The heart strings block is so cool! I just might have to make this one too.....can we all post the heartstrings logo and link on our blogs? I'd be happy to put it on mine and on my website...
I love all three designs that you have come up with!
Both designs are really nice. I love your new banner!
Yup, anyone who wants to add the heartstrings logo to your blog or website certainly can.
Either help yourself to the source code, or simply e-mail me for the link to cut/paste into your template.
Love those designs!
I'm making my way around the Stash Quilts Ring just to say Hi.
I think the first one is my favorite too - thanks for making them available!
I like the pastels too. I've got some material in the stash that fits the bill. Thanks for leaving the comment about the material.
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