And here's a picture of a van the same year as mine, showing what it looked like before:

I'm still able to drive it, but it drives/rides 'funny' and it feels like my seat is back too far from the steering wheel. (I've driven it for 7 years now, and know exactly where my hands fit on the wheel, and the wheel is too far away by about an inch.) I also noticed that the mirrors were showing too much sky, so I'm wondering if the underneath is bent up too. I tried to get a rent-a-car to drive, but this is a bad weekend to get one, they were all out of cars at the two locations nearest me.
The delivery truck was owned by a fairly large company, with locations in several states, so at least they've got insurance. I've already been in contact with them, but things move slow, esp. with the holiday next week, and I have to have a claim number before I can do anything about getting estimates or repairs.
Does anyone know anything about driving a vehicle with frame damage, if that's what it is? The linen delivery truck was pretty big, and he hit me pretty hard, almost straight on. Here's a pic from their website of one like the one that got me:

Out of the three vehicles that were involved, I was the only one that didn't get ticketed, and all of us were ok, so I guess I should be thankful for that.
Ouch! Sorry about your van and all the stuff that comes with dealing with something like this. I am glad no one was hurt though, hang in there.
I second Norma's OUCH! Your van can be fixed...GLAD you are OK!
I'm glad you are ok. This is no fun. I know. Hope you get your car fixed very quick and that the insurance will cover it.
Ouch -- glad you are ok. I'd say drive it as little as possible until you can get it looked at. If it is frame damage -- um, hate to say this may be the end of your relationship with that car.
So sorry that your van is messed up. If it is frame damage you may not want to drive it even after it is fixed-if they even want to fix it. Glad that no one was hurt, especially a quilty friend.
Good news that nobody was hurt. That's the most important thing. You must have received a pretty good hit for that much damage.
It's likely that the frame, or at least the axle, is bent. I wouldn't drive it, if I were you. There's no telling exactly what damage there is, and how it might become worse, or alter your steering. Glad you weren't hurt!
Thank goodness you are fine! That's a big truck that hit you. My daughter was rear ended quite a few years ago, and had such a bad whiplash injury that she has permanent soft tissue in her neck and has pain from it much more often than she'd like. I'd be very surprised if the frame isn't bent. You shouldn't drive it if it is. Make sure it's checked out REALLY well, because I understand a vehicle with a bent frame is never the same even after body shop repairs. You'll want to make sure you get a fair settlement.
Glad that you're allright, ForestJane! My Dad had something like that (frame damage) happen quite a few years back. He DEMANDED that they total his vehicle...because once a frame is damaged, there's no going back to the same, familiar vehicle. Hope all works out for you!
I feel for the inconvenience you now have to go through. Glad you had your seat belt on and didn't get hurt. Necks often get whiplash when this happens. Try and look on the bright side, it wasn't your fault. Hugs from Alison.
Ohhhh that looks nasty but gladly no one hurt. Judging from the looks of the vehicle that did it your poor van didn't have a chance. I would get the neck looked at though, as Ali said.
I don't know that they CAN take care of damaged frames?? Guess you will find out soon enough.
Glad you're OK but sorry you're going to have to deal with the hassle of getting the car repaired.
I agree with Patti, and you need to go see your doctor. I also hve permanent muscle and soft tissue damage from a whiplash injury and it has caused all sorts of problems that leads to to not work now. You onlt have so many days after an accident to go for the related injuries so I'd go and have her/him chekc you just so it's on the record and IF you get worse later on it's there as proof that you saw someone.
So sorry about having to deal with this all! Glad you are okay.
Glad you are ok but oh the inconvenience!
I'm glad you weren't hurt but darn it, don't you hate having to deal with it all. I would take it to a reputable body shop or even the Honda dealer and they should be able to check to let you know if the frame is bent.
Oh man, sorry to hear the news. Our truck had a fender bender once and the seat never did sit the same again. Exactly like you said - it doesn't "feel" right and feels too far away, and the back doesn't really sit up right. Hope things go ok getting it fixed. It does take a long time, sorry for the problems.
I'm so happy you weren't hurt! Take it to the dealership to check out! And don't let their insurance company try to talk you into an independent repair shop! BTDT!
I am in the car business and have had personal car old as your van is, your insurance company will probably write it off-and with a damaged frame, it's true, you can never get it right again, no matter what they try and tell you- plus you usually need to disclose that on a title-making it much lower in value as a result. I also agree, you may "feel" ok now, but go to the doctor-as you may not feel so ok later on. Good luck with all the hassle as a result of being innocently sitting there in your van! and yes, hugs to you...
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