Can you find the one block I used in there with a red center string? The only other block I had left was really dark, all thimbleberries colors, red, navy, forest green, plum... I needed something brighter there and decided the red string looked better there, even though my eye picks it out first... lol
I also finished another string top this weekend, but it was nothing to take a picture of, just a 4 blocks by 5 blocks combo, nothing exciting, no sashing. Both of these quilts will go to my board meeting Monday night, and I'll try to get someone to add one last outer border to them and quilt them. :)
I'm really itching to get restarted on some of my own projects now, seems like my life has been string blocks for toooo long. I'll probably return to them, or at least charity quilts of some pattern, but I've had enough of strings! Maybe it'll be time for some chinese coins?
You have done a great job with the string quilts. I love checking to see what sort of layout you've come up with each time I check the blogs! Love the deep red in the post below! Chinese coins can be fun too!
I guess you would be about done with heartstring blocks! you sure have been productive and deserve to get back to your own projects. lots of great ideas Jane-thanks for the inspiration.
Never get tired of the string blocks. I like this setting too.
The red stripe doesn't jump out at me any more than the bright pink one does! Or the dark one. It looks great! As do all of your string block quilts! Congratulations on a job well done!
Somehow I don't believe this will be your LAST string top! *LOL* They do make beautiful quilts though. I love the addition of the pink in this one.
Your strings are beautiful -- but I can see needed to do something different for awhile. Great job on the ones you've done -- they look fantastic.
I like the wide sashing in this string quilt. I only made enough blocks for 2 or 3 quilts and am over it for a while too. I'll get back to more later, but there are so many other fun quilts to make :-)
I'm catching up on the last six days of posts. You have been stringing away like a quilter with a purpose.
Great quilts. Now enjoy making something for yourself.
Another great job, Jane! I have really enjoyed the various layouts, very inspiring.
So how many string quilts did you get done? Well done!
Other peoples' string quilts look so great, but I just can't get into making tons of them. Have fun moving on to other projects for a while. You "done good!"
My eye didn't go right to it, but I could find it, although there are other blocks with red. I don't think it stands out. You've devoted a lot of time and effort to these quilts, and a break will be nice, I know.
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