Then I also had some extra triangle sets left over from making that diamond border, so I put those points-in and made 6 blocks with them. One of the pink flower edged ones is missing, I think the cats got it:
I'll probably stitch the backing up like a row quilt, a wide length of fabric for the top and bottom, then fill in the middle with a few rows of these odd fabric dregs blocks.
I've also been collecting some indigo fabric for my next project. Not sure where I'm going with them yet, but here's what I've got so far - several half yard pieces of batiks and, on the top and bottom, some white and blue marbled to pair with them:
And finally, here's the design I like the best of what I've been playing with on EQ so far. I started with the log cabins that have bigger strips on one side than the other, then added the triangle corners that Bonnie Hunter from Quiltville used on her Pineapple Blossom quilt. EQ didn't have much in their library of fabric to match my indigo batiks, and I'm just too lazy to try to put in bitmaps of all my exact fabric, but you can get some idea:
I was trying to use blue on white fabrics for the light areas, but looking at the design now, it looks a little cloudy. The next time I'm in EQ, I'll switch all the light areas to white, I think I like that better, 'specially since the batiks have more white in them than the EQ fabrics I'd used.
I've won a couple of auctions for batiks on eBay recently (well, alright, more than a couple, 25 yards +) but they really are nice batiks and at a super price, even including shipping. Most of them are bright, colorful batiks, some oranges, turquoises, rainbows and even a couple of gold-browns, but there's a 4 yard piece of indigo batik that will fit right in with this project.
I'll show pix when my box comes. :) I can't wait, I love getting packages, even if I know what's in them, don't you?
Your blues are fabulous. They look like Japanese kimono prints. Do you plan to paper piece?
Your indigos are super. I do agree that if you are going to use those fabrics (and they have a lot of white in them)that your light pieces should be white, not blue and white. Otherwise you won't have enough contrast. I like your EQ layout.
Great fabrics and colors. Love the EQ design. I also would use white with the blues.
I love getting boxes even if it's stuff I've mailed to myself! (recently did some fabric shopping while I was on vacation in Hawaii and mailed it home -- including one piece of lovely indigo batik. If you need a great selection I can tell you where to find it)
You've been busy! The Pink Twist is awesome, and I can't wait to see those blue fabrics!
all right on the pink twist! looks like a great new project shaping up.
Oh yes, I LOVE packages!! Even if you've seen pictures, having the stuff actually in your hands is totally different. Love the look of the new project :)
Great job piecing the scraps into a backing! I blues are scrumptious!
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