And here's the progress of the pink strip twist quilt, hanging up in my kitchen doorway. I've added a 1½ inch wide deep mauve border, then the strip of diamonds.
The diamond strips were a pain, they're easy to make, but so much harder to fudge the size of them to get the border to fit and end up in the same place on the corners than I thought. I had to take up some of the diagonals (and I did, losing points too) so perpendicular seams would have been easier!
Sorry you're not seeing all of the quilt, I really DO have all 4 diamond borders on. Hanging this in the kitchen doorway made the Siamese curious, and they kept ducking under it to see who and what was on the other side, so I had to crop out a kitty butt!
Next, I plan to put on 4 border strips like this one you see on the left, below, but I think I need another skinny border (that reads as a solid) to set it off first, don't you? And then maybe a final dark border, or at least a dark binding.
I have a yard of medium pink, and a yard of medium lavender, and 2 yards of the deep mauve, enough to put a skinny border on, and a final border on, OR bind it in the deep mauve, but probably not all three. Any suggestions? What would you do?
I think it definitely needs a dark skinny border to set the diamonds apart from the squares. Then, depending on how it looks, another deep mauve border and bind it with one of the mediums. That part is a hard call without seeing it.
It's lovely so far.
Love your Halloween blocks, they are bright and colorful.
I agree with Joyce a dark skinny border would look good.
I'm liking all the pieced borders on this one. I would also add a skinny *solid* border at this point and then I don't know what to recommend. If I had enough fabric I'd use the same one you've used for the skinny one, then a wider one and the binding but since you don't have enough I'd have to audition fabrics. That's the point that I layout all my options and look at them a while!
These borders really do dress up the quilt!
Your quilt guild's site it wonderful. I have a niece and nephew with Halloween birthdays so I am always looking for ideas!
I'm another for a dark skinny solid border before the squares. Looking so good.....
Definitely needs the plain separator, but I love the quilt. The Halloween blocks are just too cute!
Love the Halloween blocks!
I'd say dark skinny border and dark binding. Depending on the size quilt you want -- you don't really need that final outer border, let the design of the pieced border carry to the edge!
love how this strip twist is looking-I agree about the skinny border, then your pieced border-I would add the next border then bind...does that help? LOL...
Wow, pieced borders! It looks great. A dark skinny border before the squares, yes. After that, I think whatever you choose will be perfect. :-)
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