I have enough for the center of the quilt, but I'd LOVE to have a couple of yards more of one or the other to make borders. I used these two fabrics to select all my other fabrics (the ones in the pizza box, remember?) and I've searched all over the place online for these, and can't find either one of them. It would help, of course, if I knew the fabric line they came from.
Any of you have any in your stash with a selvage still attached, showing the company? The butterflies do have some metallic lines, in gold. I've found another butterfly fabric that's VERY similar, but it has some yellow, and that won't go in this quilt. I'm down to the dregs of these two fabrics, in fact, if you look close, you can see that these two swatches are actually put together from 4 inch squares... lol I hope someone's seen them before!
*ForestJane crosses her fingers*
Sorry, never saw them before but they are both gorgeous fabrics. Hopefully, somebody will be able to help you.
I got a message from my friend Kathie this morning who can't comment because you don't allow anonymous comments and she no longer has a blog. Here's what she says: "Can you tell forest jane I am almost positive that this is a Hoffman fabric from the 90's...I think it was one of their early challenge fabrics...I am sending it to my friend who just may have some in her stash." I know she's right - I remember the fabric very well. Unfortunately I don't have any. Good luck!
Sorry I can';t help either but I must say that top one does look very Hoffmanish - beautiful fabrics both of them hope you're successful in your quest
Sorry, can't help but the butterfly one looks very Laurel Burch-y.
OH! I've had it...just ran to closet and can't find it...will keep looking. My mom loved butterflies and I collected them at one time. I did some major stash cleaning last fall and may have donated it to the guild for the ugly sale. If it is still around, it would most likely be just a yard or so.
I know this fabric, I had some of both and ran right to my closet to look for it. Couldn't find it, but will keep right on looking.
Sorry I wasn't quilting in the 90s, so can't help....but I do like all 3 of the fabrics...great colours...I love bright true colours. Good luck with your search.
I'm positive that the top one is Hoffman, and I'm 90% sure that the bottom one is too. I know because I used to have BOTH of these fabrics in my stash. I might have a tiny bit of the bottom one left (fat quarter or so). In fact, I think that fabric is one of the ones in my mini-round robin that Ineed to finish up one of these days soon. I'll look for it tomorrow and let you know if I find it!
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