The colors are off in this picture, I attribute that to a bad camera battery and the gloomy rainy day... no daylight from the windows. I just went and bought a new camera battery today. I'll get a better picture when I lay the blocks out for real, and spread out the beiges and blues nicely. I know it's supposed to be scrappy, but don't most of you play around with the layouts, trying not to have two identical fabrics touching, like I do?
Anyway, the whites and beiges aren't as dark and contrasty as they came out here. It will also look much better when I go iron the kaleidoscope blocks flat... but I really DO hate to iron. :) All the depression blocks are made for this king size quilt, and 17 out of the 28 or so kaleidoscope/kite blocks. I'll be making two king size pillow shams too, and a couple of pillows to arrange with them. I'm getting there - but slowly!
I need to come up with a new name for this quilt, that doesn't have anything to do with depression. Depression blocks have a diamond shape inside them, that you see here, alternated with the kaleidoscope blocks... so something - diamond or ... ? Anyone have any ideas? I'm awful at naming quilts.
The secondary pattern looks a lot like a compass -- what about something like "Point Me in the Right Direction"? Of course, this is coming from someone who named her daughter's quilt "Puke Me Up Pink" so maybe my advice on naming is not the best...
I'm not good at naming quilts either, but I agree that you should leave depression out of it. The secondary pattrern reminds me of the big windmills aronud here that create electricity, so maybe Electric Windmill?
Sapphire facets... Blue diamonds...
BTW When I get in the scrappy groove - my kaleidoscope blocks would have had 4 different blues and 4 different beiges....
"diamonds in the sky"?
Love how this quilt is turning out! And, yep, I also try to make sure no two "alike" fabrics are touching in my scrappy quilts. Unfortunately, I nearly always discover that some are--after the quilt is all done!!!! I think on the name thing for a while...
The kaleidoscope blocks made me think of the windtowers in our backyard..so I like the Diamonds in the Sky name too!
I try to NOT match like-fabrics when they touch too.
Great blocks. I'm lousy at naming quilts - maybe Diamond Whirl?
It's beautiful!
How bout Beating The Blues? (play on the "depression" aspect. Or Blue Prozac LOL ;) xoxo melzie ps it sure looks great!
Something about 'crystals' maybe?
I am maybe even worse at naming quilts than you. I hate it! So I"m not going to be any help at all!
I usually name quilts from the intuitive side of my mind, without a lot of thought. When I saw the quilt and that you wanted a name I said, "Tangled Up in Blue". But names for my quilts come from my feeling for the quilt and the process it took to bring it to life, so...
I always spend time on scrap quilts to try and avoid like fabrics together, not always successfully!!
Love how the quilt is looking. The secondary pattern looks a little like facets in a gemstone - maybe "Facets round the Diamond" or "Blue Diamonds"?
i do the same thing when making scrappy quilts and try to make sure that two identical fabrics don't touch.
I like Vicky's idea for a name..Diamond Whirl.
Leslie's suggestions ROCKS! Great name. When I have trouble I either give it a woman's name or something from a song lyric. HTH.
The first thought that flowed through my mind before I knew you were looking for name was "Starry, Starry NIght".
Diamonds, sky, woman's name, song, not depression....my first thought...sing it, girls!..."Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds"
Now, granted, alot of the Beatles' songs were about being sky high, but that is also about the opposite of depressed as one can get!
Ooh!!! You've got lots of terrific suggestions, ForestJane! How fun! Your arrangement first reminded me of ferris (sp?) wheels from the county fair. And then...I saw synchonized swimming formations. I'll be excited to hear what you decide upon.
Your setting looks spectacular, by the way!!!
Hi Jane, what a great top! I've got a Depression block top going also, but scrappy, totally scrappy.
When I looked at yours it reminded me of the old swimming movies with Esther Williams, and those great co-ordinating gals who swam with her.
You have lots of great suggestions, I'll be interested to see what you decide.
And yes, I do the same with scrap quilts, try to keep the sames from touching each other..LOL Hugs, Finn
How about Diamonds on the Beach? Because it reminds me of Sand and Water.
Waitwaitwait! I remembered what was trying to drift up out of my brain: "Crystal Blue Persuasion". Ha, showing my age I'm afraid.
Jeanne :)
I had to check in just to see what names everyone had come up with. Sounds like you've got some great suggestions! BTW, great quilt!
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