And a rectangular one with with no brights, but lots of navy and khaki strips, and khaki sashing for the guys who prefer something in mostly 'manly' colors:
And finally, a strip pieced star thats gotten quilted, that I happened to get back to put a label on. The quilter did a superb job, lots of feathers and swirls and very tight quilting. It turned out so beautiful I almost don't want to give it away. :)
And about the EQ difficulties I was having? The copy of EQ6 I got wasn't an upgrade, so I didn't need to install EQ5 first, it turned out to be a BUAK problem (between user and keyboard.) I tried to open a file that I'd saved and moved from my old to new computer, but neglected to notice that at the very bottom of the file window it says 'files of type' with a little EQ6 in the window. So of COURSE when I looked in the EQ5 file folder, it showed nothing, there weren't ANY ... EQ6 ... files in my EQ5 folder. :) Boy, did I feel stupid when I finally figured it out.... :D
What a great variety of finished quilts from the same basic block! I particularly like the last one. Congratulations to all involved :)
I'm always impressed how folks can come up with so many variatins on a the same basic block. I especially like the star.
WOW! I've just discovered the fun of strings, and I'm knocked out by the variety of yours - those are fantastic!
Sometimes I think computers are designed to make us feel stupid. =)
I love the strings. When the need isn't so great, maybe you can make one for yourself. That star is gorgeous!
Those are so vibrant! I really love the star one. Great job!
Hey! Lookin' good ... I have to go throuh my UFO's and donate a couple.
Those donation quilts look fantastic! I've done much the same with trying to find computer files -- not with EQ -- but other programs! Gotta love technology!
The HeartStrings quilts look great Jane - where will they be donated?
Don't you love EQ6 - some things are just SO much easier in this version.
Oh these are wonderful! I loved your description of a "BUAK error" - too funny!
Gosh Jane, you took some Heartstrings and just ran with them! You're doing amazing work hon!
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