It's been fun (NOT) having to install all my programs and files. The computer didn't come with Java preinstalled, so that was one of the first things. Did you know that Java does not have ANY browsers selected when you first install it? I uninstalled and reinstalled the stupid thing twice, trying to figure out why it wasn't working, till I looked in the Java control panel, saw browser versions, and put a little check beside 'internet explorer' and 'firefox,' which are the two browsers I use the most.
I also haven't found out how to use my Corel Print House with Vista, I'm suspecting it is not compatible, since the Corel is a pretty old version. I also have run into a problem trying to access my EQ5 files with EQ6, and I'm wondering if I have to have EQ5 loaded on this computer too, not just the copied files. Any of you quilty ones know?
I really admire your ability to do all this with your computer, it's an area where I really rely on my husband. It's like my mind just shuts down when asked to do anything complex or technical. Way to go Jane!
Sorry Jane, you lost me after the sentance with "install programs and files." OK maybe after the picture! Good luck! The new monitor looks great!
I think you will rapidly come to love the cable modem - as soon as you start bringing up pages and pages of pictures of quilts. I can't imagine having to go back to dial-up!
From everything I've read you do have to have both EQ5 and EQ6 installed on the same machines. I bought a new laptop because we are still running Windows 2000 on the older computer, and I installed both of them on the laptop. Do you belong to the Quiltropolis EQ list? If so, post the question there and you should get an answer right away.
You will come to wonder how you ever lived with dial up. Dial up at my house used to drive me crazy since I had the LAN at work. When I finally talked DH into it, he now is amazed at all he missed out by having dial up!
If you purchased the EQ6 upgrade rather than EQ6, yes, you will have to install EQ5 and then EQ6. Just remember that you can only install EQ6 four times. It's something that the designers built into it to keep piracy down, I suspect. But it really hurts when in your situation.
Congrats on your new computer. I just got a new one too, with Vista. I was gone for so long, I'm thrilled to be back now. It has been an adventure trying to adjust to the changes. I've had some problems with my older programs, but nothing I can tell you how to fix. Sorry. Good luck with it all. I really love my new computer overall though I confess... I still have dial-up.
I see Paula said what I was going to--if you upgraded to 6 then you have to have 5 already on the computer.
I bet you are right too about your older version of Corel---now that you are up to Vista.
I would not, ever willing go back to dial up again and trust me, I resisted doing it for a while due to cost. (I'm only paying 46 and that includes the cable modem I am renting.) Worth every blessed penny!
I'm like Tazzie. My husband is the computer guy at work AND at home. Can't they come up with a computer that you buy, plug in, and it's all set to go?? I wish......
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