Here's the progress so far:

Yes, I know it looks a lot like the last picture, but this time there's
52 snowballs with 4 dark scrappy corners
50 scrappy nine-patches
8 half cobblestones (rectangular, for the edges, lots more to come)
30 square cobblestones (and a lot of strips cut but not sewn yet)
AND more than 230 bonus triangles in the baggie, and stacked on the lower right corner, from the snowballs.
I'm kinda procrastinating on ironing all those triangles, yes, they WILL be for the border, (you guys are so smart)and I still don't know if I'm just going to make a row of hst's or maybe something windmill-y with them. I'll decide when I get the final count.
I've staggered the half cobblestone stack, so I can see what fabrics I've used for them. I am just anal enough that I don't want to have a bunch of the same color in that outer edge, so as I sew the cobblestones, I'm trying to remember to put aside a variety of center fabrics for these skinnier blocks. Some of my scraps will let me strip piece a row of 4 or 6 centers between white strips, but there won't be too many repeats.
Of course I have no idea what the answer is to your riddle, but as a very much part-time quilter, the pace at which you quilt this will be suiting me just fine!
I love reading about full- time workers outside the home that are quilters. It makes me think, "I can do it" Sometimes All I feel is frustrated on the lack of time I have. Your quilt blocks ---I think you have a mystery on your hands. Keep us posted. You always sound like you are having fun.
Progress is progress - and I can see a change in the pile! Good job. Got to love those bonus HSTs.
I don't know what pattern it will be but I do know that it will be beautiful.
I can see the cobblestones between the nine patches or the snowballs between the nine patches-- those HSTs turning into pinwheels between them too. It's a puzzler!
Your posts are so funny! I love to see this progress!
ah...come on, stop teasing, LOL! I'm intrigued!!
Oh, this is fun!! And I think you are getting a lot done in that one or two hours in the evening..*VBS* Can hardly wait to see what you come up with.
I'm still intruiged! And I love that you set aside a bit of time, however small, to work on your quilt stuff.
an hour a day adds up pretty quickly....
I wish I would sit down for an hour a'd add up quickly!
Well, I keep coming back to get the answer to this riddle, since I have no idea what this can become...*lol*
All those pieces are bound to add up to something wonderful!! Can't wait to see!
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