Here's the Siamese Cat wallhanging that Darilyn was commenting on - I made it as a Black and White contest entry for my guild last year. My title was "Black and White and We're All Over."
If any of you recognize the style of the cats, they're from 9 Chickweed Lane, and even though I didn't use an exactly copied image to applique, they were close enough to where I did e-mail and get permission from Brooke McEldowney (the author) to use the likeness.
The top was quilted by Ann H., from MO. We were SO tempted to quilt in a little switch plate on the wall, in white thread... lol It's been in several shows, little non-juried ones, but never won anything.
Thank you so much for posting this pic on your site. It was great to see a close-up.
The looks on their faces is so cute. And the little mice running around are so much fun. What a great quilt!
And it was so classy of you to check with the people with a similar cat design.
If Darilyn hadn't listed you,I would have missed the treat of seeing your B&W Siamese!
As D will tell you I'm a cat servant too(ex street kids,not aristocrats like yours.
Love the way you've presented your blog.........how's about coming on down and re-organising mine?
Maureen in Queensland
Thank you for visiting KenmaursCorner!
Back in the archives on http://kenmaurscorner.blogspot.com/
for quilts and stuff,or in http://kurliskottage.blogspot.com/
my furry family and home; and some CQ on http://cqcrazy.blogspot.com/
(I'm spread all over like a mad woman's breakfast VBG)
9 Chickweed Lane, is that a pattern company? (I have a TON of cat patterns, but none like this.)
Lovely quilt! I have a little girl that looks just like the clawing one!
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